Tango Capital Management LLC
Tango Capital Management was founded in 1998 to offer investors flexible investment portfolios structured to meet the goal of succeeding regardless of market direction.
For many years, Tango was one of the top investment firms on the Theta Investment Research platform, which monitored actively managed tracking accounts trading everything from mutual funds to FOREX. Today, Tango focuses on actively managed custom equity portfolios for clients throughout the U.S.

Portfolio Manager – Victor Vuskalns
Victor Vuskalns is portfolio manager and investment strategist for Tango Capital Management, LLC. His passion is helping clients build portfolios to last their lifetimes and beyond.
Victor has worked in the investment industry since 1989 and holds Series 7 and Series 63 licensing from the National Association of Securities Dealers. Prior to founding Tango, he spent more than a decade in the securities brokerage industry as an active trader with an independent broker/dealer. By 1992, Victor was actively managing assets for clients. His record from the period shows no compliance issues and no complaints, a relative rarity in the industry.
Early in his career, Victor was introduced to the technical analysis work of William O’Neil, founder of Investors’ Business Daily, and David Ryan, three times winner of the U.S. Investing Championship with triple-digit returns. Building on their approaches, he developed strategies that worked for his investment philosophy -- strategies heavily based on technical and trend analysis.
Technical analysis involves charting trends, including numerical relationships such as price movements, trading volume, sector momentum, overbought/oversold conditions, and the number of stocks advancing and declining on a specific day. Historical trends are used to gain insight into possible future price movements. This approach looks at overall and market segment moves, rather than individual stocks and differs significantly from fundamental analysis.
By following the financial markets and monitoring client portfolios on a daily basis, Victor maintains an extensive awareness of market action and is uses that knowledge to optimize trading efficiencies and implement risk management techniques designed to preserve portfolio values in periods of greater risk. The ability to execute trades efficiently has the potential to more than offset Tango's management fee, adding to the value of Victor's portfolio management.
Based in Long Valley, New Jersey, Victor serves the investment needs of clients throughout the U.S., managing family portfolios, individual accounts, retirement accounts, trusts, and charitable foundations.
Read more about tango's active management approach